
  • Miami/Chicago
  • Ongoing since 2019

Franchise and AMP, in collaboration with the National Basketball Association, are proud to present Momentum, a multi-format exhibition that explores the relationship between basketball culture and art.

Momentum features a culmination of historic NBA archival ephemera, video installations, and a curated group show of contemporary artwork. Each section of Momentum showcases a unique aspect of the game through a cross section of media, including photography, video, and painting.

The exhibition includes a look into the NBA’s historic archives with never-before-seen photos, awards, jerseys, and a selection of rare souvenirs from NBA history, work by Devin Troy Strother, Andrew Kuo, John Margaritis, LeRoy Neiman, Eric Elms, Ashley Teamer, and Eric Yahnker, and a video installation featuring iconic dunks throughout the history of the NBA.

Momentum was held at the historic Miami Beach Nautilus by Arlo hotel from December 5—8, 2019 and from February 14—16, 2020 at Navy Pier in the heart of Chicago during NBA All-Star.

For more information, visit

Multi channel video projection showing a basketball game in a dark exhibition space
Dark exhibition showcasing hanging jerseys and shoes displayed on pedestals
Dark exhibition showcasing hanging jerseys, shoe displays and videos
Person looking at large video projection


Dec 5—8, 2019
Nautilus by Arlo
1825 Collins Ave
Miami Beach


Feb 14—16, 2020
Navy Pier
600 E Grand Avenue